Kayley's First Christmas

In case you've been expecting more photos around Christmas time (and before), especially from me, well... I've been having camera problems. Yes, my less than two year old Nikon chose to jam it's shutter back in October or so, and we haven't been able to find the warranty to get it fixed. My backup camera depresses me to use, so we'll be experiencing a bit of a slow down.

Kayley's first Santa picture!

Kayley's first Christmas tree, and look at all the presents!

Kayley with her grandparents

Kayley's had just about enough of the holidays

Kayley's Sonograms
Kayley's Birth Pictures
Kayley's first few months
First Christmas
January 2001
Feb/March Update 2001
April Update 2001
August Update 2001
Kayley's Day with Daddy
Kayley's First Birthday Party!
Kayley's First Birthday!
Kayley Learns to Wine
Sherri and David's Wedding
Kayley Reaches Jedi Master Status
Christmas 2001
Kayley's Bonneville
Mother's Day 2002
Summertime 2002
Kayley at Work
Father's Day 2002
Kayley and Daddy's Bike
Kayley in Alcatraz
Half Moon Bay

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