Kayley in Alcatraz

Kayley spent a Friday afternoon in San Francisco to visit the Rock, with her Aunt Sherri and Uncle David. Nothing says family like spending a day behind bars.

Kayley perfects the windswept look on the ferry.

Kayley seems awfully smug for someone incarcerated so young. I guess she knows the door is wide open.

Monterey Bay

The next day was spent in Monterey to make quite the full weekend for her!

Kayley's Sonograms
Kayley's Birth Pictures
Kayley's first few months
First Christmas
January 2001
Feb/March Update 2001
April Update 2001
August Update 2001
Kayley's Day with Daddy
Kayley's First Birthday Party!
Kayley's First Birthday!
Kayley Learns to Wine
Sherri and David's Wedding
Kayley Reaches Jedi Master Status
Christmas 2001
Kayley's Bonneville
Mother's Day 2002
Summertime 2002
Kayley at Work
Father's Day 2002
Kayley and Daddy's Bike
Kayley in Alcatraz
Half Moon Bay

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