Kayley in Summertime

Kayley really does enjoy trying to help us out with household chores. Here's she tries to navigate the broom over the entrance tile.

She has the spoon thing down. Just can't always find her face.

Kayley used to hate hats, even though one is her namesake. Now, even a shirt will do in a pinch.

Nothing ushers in the beginning of summer like riding around with the top down, seeing crocodiles with your friend.

What's summer without a picnic and feeding ducks in the park?

Kayley's Sonograms
Kayley's Birth Pictures
Kayley's first few months
First Christmas
January 2001
Feb/March Update 2001
April Update 2001
August Update 2001
Kayley's Day with Daddy
Kayley's First Birthday Party!
Kayley's First Birthday!
Kayley Learns to Wine
Sherri and David's Wedding
Kayley Reaches Jedi Master Status
Christmas 2001
Kayley's Bonneville
Mother's Day 2002
Summertime 2002
Kayley at Work
Father's Day 2002
Kayley and Daddy's Bike
Kayley in Alcatraz
Half Moon Bay

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