Baldwyn's Animated Style Customs

I am a big fan of Batman: The Animated Series and Superman: The Animated Series. The stylistic design and animation on these two series are perfect for the subject matter. Furthermore, Batman toys were what got me into collecting action figures in the first place.

The Spectre
Lobo's Bike
Hack Factory
"L as in Lacerate! O as in Obliterate! B as in disemBowel! O as in ...guess I can use Obliterate twice, huh? Whaddya say?"
Lobo uses a Bane base. His right arm was reposed for a gun, and I used hands from some WWF S.T.O.M.P. wrestler guy. I also used Dr. Strange's knees to allow them to be posed, for more realistic posing on his bike.

All the other details were sculpted from Pro-Mat. His shoulders were buffed up alot, and his hips filled in for more of a "blue jeans" look. Squeek was sculpted from scratch, over a paperclip armature. Lobo's gun is from the same WWF S.T.O.M.P. guy, shortened, and with the clip sculpted.